AV Resources for Architects

Architects are highly trained individuals who are also responsible for staying on top of continuing education throughout their careers. But what about gaining knowledge in specialized areas, like audio visual (AV) solutions in architecture? Where can professionals go to learn more about how to make the most of this technology? It turns out, there are plenty of architecture resources available, which offer a look into topics like AV integration as well as glimpses of the best architecture of all time. Here are some of the resources that can invigorate your career just as much as formal education can.
Magazines & Books
Some of the most fun websites to poke around for architectural inspiration are those that publish roundups of phenomenal architecture across the world. This is exactly what Architect Magazine offers, and much more. If you have not yet checked it out, take a look at the publication’s “Tech & Products” section, particularly on the topic of lighting. This one area of the site boasts numerous examples of how others in the field are using lighting, technology, and AV solutions to leave their mark on projects.
For example, the magazine recently shared insights into New York University’s new $1.2 billion mixed-use super building, the John A. Paulson Center. The article revealed much about the architecture of the project itself, along with a look at how the architects used a textured facade “with staggered setbacks and angled wedge panels tailored in shape and placement to amplify daylight harvesting and reduce glare.” If you want to be inspired by technique and technology, Architect Magazine is an excellent resource.
Additionally, there are numerous books written for architects on a wide array of topics that can further your career and spark inspiration. Check out this curated list to see if any stand out to you.
Museums & Cultural Centers
Sometimes, the best knowledge comes from actually experiencing something. If you want to experiment more with incorporating AV solutions into your next build, it can be helpful to visit a site that has already done this well. While many buildings could fit the bill, museums and cultural centers are a wonderful place to start.
For example, we recently worked with the Phoenix Heard Museum to bring its Substance of Stars Sky Dome to life. This immersive experience was designed to deliver a 360-degree view of images and sounds from the natural landscape, from the southwest desert to the arctic seascape, the woodlands, mountains, and hills, at different seasons and times of the day. We used display systems as well as video & audio source equipment to achieve this. If you visit it in person, you can see it is a truly noteworthy example of what can be accomplished when architects and AV professionals work together.
Third-Party Experts
Of course, there is no better way to learn more about using AV in your architecture than by working with experienced partners. We would love to connect and help you make your audio visual visions a reality. Just give us a call!
Third-party experts serve as a viable resource for architects in their design research. Let’s connect on your latest project.