Digital Art – Transform Space with Sound & Displays

“Variety of form and brilliancy of color in the object presented to patients are an actual means of recovery.” ~ Florence Nightingale
Since the dawn of recorded history, humans have used art to tell stories, express emotions, convey thoughts, and provide instruction. Parietal Art (aka “cave art”) discovered throughout the globe from Africa to Europe, South America to Asia, and dating back tens of thousands of years is a brilliant dedication to the inherent human desire to capture, memorialize, and share our experiences.

From images on cave walls to the great Renaissance Masters, to modern day surrealism and street art, the legacy of storytelling through artistic expression lives on.
With the use of new technology, digital art is creating new ways of how and what type of art can be shared with patients, guests, providers, and staff members within healthcare facilities. Allowing access to view or to create art has proven to provide significant benefits in the healing and recovery of patients throughout their continuum of care. Digital art is a way to showcase not only thousands of famous works of art, but also allows the ability to exhibit works created by patients or even the staff, to further promote healing, caring, and a community atmosphere.
Let’s talk about all of the ways we can integrate digital art in your facilities. It may be easier than you think. Just send a message or give call us at 800.737.1930 to get started.